
Bongo Fury Rallies & Meetings. Updated 24/07/24

The club runs a number of meetings throughout the year. Many of these are discounted, all are for members only, although non-members are welcome to visit for the day (check first).

You will find a list of forthcoming events below. Full information including address, price and availability, booking arrangements etc can be found in the members area. If you are not a member and want to join the club then follow this link (opens in new tab)

Note: meetings are subject to latest Covid-19 guidelines and may be subject to cancellation or alteration.

Club Policy on Meetings & Rallies:

1) Anyone attending will be asked to adhere to the campsite’s regulations & guidelines.
2) You must adhere to local COVID lock down procedures if applicable and respect the needs of the local community
3) If you have a utility tent/portable toilet please bring it with you. This eases the pressure on shared facilities.

2024 Meetings

Unless otherwise stated these meetings are all confirmed.

15 to 19 August Welsh Bash in Pembrokeshire BOOKING NOW CLOSED

12 to 15 September Bongo Fest South West at Glastonbury SOLD OUT

2025 Meetings

Please note that the club will not be organising meetings beyond 2024. However, we can support club members who want to organise meetings in 2025 and beyond, just get in touch. The following meetings have had organisers appointed and revised booking arrangements will apply.

4 to 6 April Tough Northerners in the Lake District NOW BOOKING

15 to 18 May Southern Softies at Wallingford

18 to 23 June UK National Bash at Stourport

25 to 29 September Bongo Fest South West at Looe

2026 Meetings

17 to 22 June UK National Bash at Stourport