Contact Us

Office Closed: We have gone to the Bongo meeting in Somerset and will reopen on Tuesday 17th September. No membership applications, renewals, queries or orders from the shop can be processed until we return.

Contact by email: [email protected]

Contact by telephone: 01142550836
The office is  open part time for telephone calls, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only 0930 to 1230.
Contact by mobile or WhatsApp: 07932844321
(messages only please)
Write to us:
Bongo Fury!,
Unit 10,
Aizlewood Road,
S8 0YX

Visitors by prior appointment only!

Our normal opening hours:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday only:

9.30am to 12.30pm


The Bongo Fury and Bongoland websites are owned and run by Maynards of Westwick Ltd, company registration number 6408483, VAT registration 856446592