Contact by email: [email protected]
Contact by telephone: 01142550836
The office is open part time for telephone calls, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only 0930 to 1230.
Contact by mobile or WhatsApp: 07932844321
(messages only please)
(messages only please)
Write to us:
Bongo Fury!,
Unit 10,
Aizlewood Road,
S8 0YX
Bongo Fury!,
Unit 10,
Aizlewood Road,
S8 0YX
Visitors by prior appointment only!
Our normal opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday only:
9.30am to 12.30pm
The Bongo Fury and Bongoland websites are owned and run by Maynards of Westwick Ltd, company registration number 6408483, VAT registration 856446592