News from the Ithumba Rehabilition Unit:
“Ithumba has been transformed after the rains with the orphans’ waterhole now full of rain water enabling the orphans to swim, totally submerged which they love. The dependent babies which consist of Bongo, Bomani, Garzi, Kandecha, Kanjoro, Kasigau, Kainuk, Kilibasi, Laragai, Makireti, Mutara, Narok, Orwa, Shukuru, Sities, Teleki, Turkwel and wonderfully friendly little Vuria, are joined most days by the ex orphans and interestingly enough many wild friends who have chosen to remain in the area despite the rains. This is unusual with the bountiful food throughout the region and with every waterhole filled.
The Ithumba massif with its imposing granite cliff faces and plunging valleys is looking more beautiful than usual with every baobab in leaf, every delonix tree in flower, cascading creepers spilling off shrubs and the exquisite mauve pentanisia flowers in abundance everywhere. The Ithumba orphans enjoy a paradise during the rainy season. Suguta’s group which consists of Chemi Chemi, Ishanga, Kalama, Kibo, Kilaguni, Kitirua, Melia, Murka, Naisula, Olare, Suguta, Tumaren, and Chaimu is spending much more time united with the ex orphans and the whole Ithumba family remain in close orbit to the stockade compound, visiting almost daily. More details from November, along with stunning images taken by the Keepers as they walk supervising the dependent babies every day out in the wild can be enjoyed through the summary and the Keepers diary.“