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Mentor for Bongo repair in Ashford Surrey

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:04 am
by RickyBongo

I hope you are all well. I am writing today with a bit of a strange request for assistance.

When I initially purchased my Bongo, I took it to a mechanic for some necessary repairs and was taken aback by a hefty bill. Determined to be more self-reliant and cost-effective, I decided to get my hands dirty and do the work myself which I have been doing successfully since. The experience has been incredibly rewarding, and I have loved upskilling myself in various aspects of mechanical repair. It has become a real hobby!

However, I now need to replace my cylinder head but I am afraid that, despite the helpful YouTube videos that this may be a little ambitious without a little help, and so this is why I am reaching out to you.

I am hoping that someone local to Ashford, Surrey, might be open to sparing a bit of their valuable time to provide me with guidance and support. Whether it is a few hours on weekends or afternoons, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I am not expecting a free lunch here, happy to discuss financial contribution for your time.

Thank you,