Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

This is the largest gathering of Bongos anywhere in the world and takes place at our spiritual home, Stourport on Severn 20 to 25 June.

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Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by Ian » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:14 am

Thanks to Dabs for recommending Electro 8os. They were absolutely brilliant. Here they are in action. Plus you can have an entertaining game of spot the pullover.
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by crazy uncle gray g » Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:48 am

\:D/ Hell yeah!......Party on Dudes :lol:
cheers! party on dudes.
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by cazzyblues » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:18 pm

Cooool video. What a fun night. Wooo hooo for the dancers. Great band.
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by I Love My Bongo » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:33 pm

They were excellent! Great video... =D>

Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by Majorbloodnock » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:35 am

Does this mean you'll be having them back? :(
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by Bob » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:06 pm

There was mention of finance at the AGM. :?
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by Dabs » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:14 am

Ian wrote:Thanks to Dabs for recommending Electro 8os. They were absolutely brilliant.
Cheers Ian

I was chatting to the lads last night at a local gig and they asked me to pass on their thanks to Ian for the booking and to everyone for supporting them for their performance on the Saturday night at The Bash and despite the terrible rain made a good time of it, they were really impressed that people didn’t just go and hide away and stuck with it even though they were all soaking wet, I explained that this was quite normal for the Bongo crowd and only to be expected…..they know how to enjoy themselves irrelevant of the weather so a big Thankyou from Electro80s!!

They said that they would love to make a return gig at The Bash at some time and hopefully get better weather for the show next time to make it that bit more special for everyone.

Don’t forget for those of you on Facebook you can make friends with them each one having their own name in Blue Electro…….Green Electro…..and Red Electro and of course “like” Electro 80s” where you will also find a link to their main website to keep up to date with any upcoming gigs they may have in your area.

If you do.......go and see them!

All t’best
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Bongo Bash Apreciation

Post by elmanc » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:24 pm

Our First bash and didnt dissapoint. The setting is fab and thanks to everyone who gave us advise and came over and said hello. Sat night the group were great , i dont normally dance but there we were bopping away 80s style lol Good job im just out of shot of the video ! We didnt even notice the rain untill we were making our way back to the Bongo ! Cheers to Muz and family for making us welcome at there Awning / restaraunt and the free Spam. Amazing what youll eat when youve had a couple of beers. Its Just a shame we only stayed the one night , but fellow travellers you will see us knocking about. Feel free to come say hello. Steve and Sarah (the mancs)
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Re: Saturday Night at the Bash: Video

Post by Jillygumbo » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:19 am

And I missed an incredible looking band too!! :evil: Mind you Elbow were fantastic! 8)
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