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when flushing

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:35 pm
by falcoron
Im gonna fully flush out my coolant system soon and i have read all (or most) of the posts on how to bleed the system. Ive never done this before so please bare with me. If i am to flush the whole system out properly what do i need to do and whats best flusher to use?
Do i drain the system, refill with water and flushing agent, do the whole bleed thing, run for a few days then drain and repeat with new antifreeze mix?
Or simply add the flusher to the expansion tank and run for a day or 2 then drain

Re: when flushing

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:32 pm
by Ron Miel
.....lower the seat for the next person 8)

Re: when flushing

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:01 pm
by missfixit70
I used the holts two part flush, just followed the instructions, each flush will have it's own procedure. I did mine with the stat out & rubber sealing ring back in place, quicker/easier to bleed & ensures it gets everywhere IMO. In between each "part" I took off the lowest rear heater hoses to drain & various hoses around the system to flush through with a hose, especially to make sure all the chemicals are out before replacing the stat & refilling with coolant. Backflush the rad too, to try & get any crud out, a quick release hosepipe fitting just about fits in the bottom hose well enough to create a seal to do this, with a bit of insulation tape or something around it to increase it's diameter & a jubilee clip to hold in place, jobs a good un.

Re: when flushing

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:59 pm
by chasleton
I did exactly what Kirsty did. But one tip my drive is on a slight up slope i am convinced it made it easier to bleed the system.
And i managed it using Haydens bleeding technic single handed. Its so good with the new stat i can see the thermostatic kick in on my mason alarm up a long hill.

Regards Nick