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Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:39 pm
by alans00ty5
hi peeps just got back stayed over in weston-supermare sunday night,what a fantastic weekend, big thanks to simon & julie for looking after us, and as always kirsty for her fire show great kirsty. it was nice to meet some new faces, and some of the pals we have made, we had a great neighbour in northentaff and his lovely family cheers pal. heres to the next some pics soon, sooty & georgie.xx


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by chief
Great time had by all the family well worth the money.

Thanks to Simon & Julie for organising, when are we going again!?!

jamie judith & girls (Aqua Freda)


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:04 pm
by sajafi
Well first big thanks to Simon for organising the fantastic weekend. As it was our first one EVER, we were a bit shy in finding our feet, but we thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt lots that we need to improve on (heating and comfort :lol: ).

Thanks again,


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:46 pm
by naomibarrett
thanks to simon for a great weekend at woodlands. this was our first bongo rally but not our last. Look forward to meeting you all again soon. steve, naomi and kids. ps our non bongo friends also had a great time. we are now trying to convert them.


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:33 pm
by Stallion (The Chevy)
Thank you Simon And Julie for another brill weekend, we both had a fantastic time so did Jerry hes still sleeping. Nice to see all the people we met in October and all the new faces we met this time. Fantastic fire display Kirsty. Look forward to seeing all the photos Hayden took. Got back early Sunday and ripped the decals off the Stallion in anticipation of some new ones so it will look diffirent the next time you all see it, maybe throw on some new lights after seeing some of the Bongos around at the weekend.

Thank you once again Simon & Julie =D> (now get your van unpacked)


Forget all your troubles drive a Chevy!!!!!


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:03 pm
by Alison01326
Well, we also got back safely yesterday - two hours exactly door to door - it's just taken a little over 24 hours to calm the boy down and get him back off Planet Bongo and reset his body clock to a sensible bed time. Now, I can sit down undisturbed and use the computer.

Thanks very much indeed to Simon & Julie for organising it and for all their hard work on site - and for choosing such a fantastic venue, both the campsite area and the park itself. We all really enjoyed it, particularly Isaac who did a lot more socialising than we seemed to have time for so thank you to all his new friends, young and old, for keeping him occupied when Mummy & Daddy just weren't interesting enough to spend any time with. We aren't bad parents, really - we've just got absolutely no control over our son :roll: Incidentally, he appears to know more of your names than we do :oops: We all enjoyed Kirsty's fire display, and Isaac is still talking about it and has been practising (empty handed, I must add) all day.

As it was our first meet, and only our second time camping, we probably were a bit on the slow side in getting to chat to everyone (I'm not as outgoing in person as I am on the far side of a computer screen, although once I get started I can't stop) and also I need to improve my packing & unpacking skills as I wasted a lot of time looking for things that may or may not have been in the Bongo or in the awning but which definitely had not been left at home (I know this because I took some of them out of the Bongo this morning even though they had been missing since Friday #-o )

It was lovely to put a few faces to names (and in fact put some names to forum names) and everyone was as friendly as they appear to be on here. We are really looking forward to our next meet which we hope will be the Looe one in September.

I could go on - we really did have a great time with a great bunch of people in a great place.

Alison, Zigi & Isaac



Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:17 pm
by the janner vanner
hi all, sounds like we missed a good meet, what great weather you had. However, did you all forget your cameras, where's the PIX?????????????


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:08 am
by rooster
Glad all you folks had such a great time, sorry we couldn't get there but we were thinking about you the whole weekend. Simon and Julie, looks like you've really pulled it off again, good for you. Can't wait to see some pictures now. Will see you all at Looe if not before (hope to see Simon today as going to Padstow for a couple of hours). lol Mo


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:27 pm
by bongoing-mad-simon
Hi all ,so glad you all enjoyed the weekend as much as we did ,
we were very lucky with the weather ,Woodlands is a great site for camping ,the facilities are brill and so it's easy work putting on a good meet there as it's all the friendly bongo'ers that make it what it is .
Thanks to Kirsty for a fab fire display ,Tim and Jill for stewarding and producing the stickers.
And thanks to everyone for coming along =D> =D> =D> :D
Bob and Mo you were greatly missed ,just wasn't the same without a bit of music :( , looking forward to next time already.

Thinking instead of a Halloween meet this year Woodlands have a Bonfire night weekend with a huge fire ,fireworks,music etc ,this is their last weekend of the year before closing so would see the camping season out with a bang :D ,will put on a seperate posting to guage interest and take it from there ,

any hows heres some piccies, I didn't get to take many so am hoping you all did ,please post them
can never have to many ...........


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:45 pm
by bongoing-mad-simon


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:18 pm
by Chris&Gem


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:28 pm
by missfixit70
You git Chris, didn't realise you'd caught me getting thrashed at swingball :lol: :lol:


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:02 pm
by northerntaff
Few more to keep you going before we get Haydn's album. Just realised I hardly took any, what with Haydn taking so many!!!!



Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:46 am
by missfixit70
Ok here's the first few of Haydn's, click on the pic for a slideshow - lots more to come :wink:



Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:48 am
by Bessybongo
Hi All,
A wonderfull weekend, big disappointment when Jo arrived without the Girls, Well done Best Butty!! another great Woodlands Bash, Missed the rest of the Gang! It was Wonderful Weather That you booked Simon, all the Children had a wonderful time, I know that my two will be telling there Freind's about Woodlands for Months, What a Fab Family Antony Les & the Children are, Looking forward to the next Bash now, I took 690 Photo's, and sent about 180 to Kirsty for the Forum Slide shows,Thank you Kirsty you are a real Jem!!! Love to Julie and the Kiddiewinkles,
From Haydn

I'll Scream! and Shout at the Mountain Tops!
and walk Quietly and peacefully in the Valleys :wink:

Bye for now, Miss you already Ah Ah Ah