Inserting A Photo Attachment

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Inserting A Photo Attachment

Post by Ian » Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:14 pm

It is possible to upload an image from your PC and insert it in to a Forum discussion. You will find the full pictorial instructions by downloading this pdf file:

But here's a quick summary.

1. When you are writing (or replying to) a topic, below the text box you will see three tabs. Options-Attachments-Poll Creation. Click on the Attachment tab.
2. Use the “Add Files” option. Click on this and find the file you wish to upload on your device.
3. The maximum dimensions are 1024 x 768 pixels. The maximum file size is 2mb.
4. Preview the topic. If happy then press send.
5. There is a maximum of 3 photos per posting.
668. The Neighbour of The Beast.

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