Idea For Next Year

This year's main event will be held at Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. It starts on Wednesday 19 June and runs through to the following Monday. You must be a paid up member of the club to attend, although non-members are welcome as day visitors. We have room for 300 Bongos on site. Children & dogs welcome!

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Idea For Next Year

Post by Bob » Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:53 pm

Having been at the AGM I quite understand Ian's thoughts on maybe a trip, and Craft Tent again, with nothing organised outside due to unpredictable weather.

How about a BYO BBQ/Social in the afternoon, near the Tent along side?

We could perhaps get a large BBQ, or maybe just fetch our own along kit, if it **sses down nowt lost, if the sun shines a great social. :D
Take a torch, toilet roll, and tea bags.
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Re: Idea For Next Year

Post by Debs and David » Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:09 am

I agree with Ian, we always used to go on the trips, and missed them when they stopped. Mind you we now rely on a dog sitter during the trip as dogs aren't allowed on coach. Maybe a dog sitting service could be arranged too. The craft tent was a brill idea, and Pat had a little corner of it when the Knit and Knatter was taking place. The workshop went down well as I witnessed.

One little suggestion, I am thinking of myself, but I am sure that a lot of other people would agree, maybe some portaloos near the marquee, it's a very long walk to a loo from there, especially if you are camped at t'other side of the field. I can see people, when watching the night time entertainment, rushing to the toilet block, especially as at this time we have usually been partaking of alcohol, and even the toilet block is a long way, when one has one's legs crossed :lol: :lol: ............
Debs & David

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Re: Idea For Next Year

Post by mikexgough » Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:42 pm

2cv club always run communal bbq's mostly with cut in half oil drums....they do it to save on dragging bbq's, getting into bother with the campsites and for the social aspect.
Always bring your own meat or dare I say it veggie burgers et al..... communal bbq's a very european thing
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