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Help to prevent Bongo theft

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:35 am
by Doone
Some tips from mellon man.
Even though auto theft is a crime of opportunity, if a crook really wants your Bongo, he'll do whatever it takes to get it regardless of steering wheel locks or car alarms. But you can slow him down, make your Bongo inconvenient to him and, hopefully, discourage him from attempting to steal your vehicle. Layering your Bongo with anti-theft protection, is a good start. But, as with anything that is of value to you, the most important protection you can give your Bongo is to take a proactive approach to security when you leave it unattended.

NEVER attempt to tackle a prospective thief directly. Personal safety is paramount.

1. Since it seems like everything from a loud m-bike to a rumbling Refuge lorry can set off a car alarm, people have been conditioned to tune them out. Instead of a motion-sensitive car alarm, use one that has a pager that will notify you as soon as your alarm is activated.

2. Don't tempt car thieves. Keep valuables out of plain sight. Take them with you or store them out of view. Also, if you have a stereo with a removable face plate, take it with you instead of tucking it away in the glove box.

3. Instead of locking just your steering wheel, "lock" your Bongo's ability to go by using a starter disable switch and putting it in a place where only you can get to it.

4. Instead of going to a big retail chain store, have your Bongo alarm installed by a professional car alarm installer, preferably a reasonably shady one. Unlike retail chain employees, these experts know what it takes to make your Bongo elusive to crooks.

5. Never display stickers that advertise what sort of car alarm you have, or audio system for that matter. Consider using a bonnet lock cable so the thief can't get to your battery or car alarm mechanism.

6. Never leave your keys in the ignition even for a quick errand. Car theft is a crime of opportunity, so don't make it easy for them to grab yours.

7. Keep your registration and insurance information at home or with you never leave personal information in your car. Also don't put your route home listed as home on your Sat Nav menu - if they have stolen your Bongo away from your house they can get directed to your home knowing your out and can rob that as well extra easy if you also left your house keys in the Bongo

8. Whenever possible, park in car parks that have security and/or parking lattendants. If not, don't park in the farthest corner but rather near the entrance of these facilities to insure the most foot traffic (and the most potential witnesses). Also, opt for paying the extra couple of pound for the monitored car park instead of using the free parking on the less-trafficked side streets etc.

9. Don't leave spare keys in your car or in a magnetic box attached to the underside of your Bongo. Thieves know where all the "hiding places" are.

10. Instead of VIN etching the major parts of your vehicle, which doesn't turn most thieves off, drop your business card into the doors through the window slots to identify your Bongo as yours.