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Re: newforest

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:25 pm
by Jillygumbo
Thanks for the information Mary. I would prefer camping at the meet, and a pub is always welcome! Failing that, I just want to be able to camp with the other bongo peops who plan to stay overnight and then perhaps drive to the meet from the campsite.

I'd rather stay overnight than not, so I can have a drinkie with you guys and I can bring a firepit if that would be useful.

Long range weather forecast reckons it's gonna be drier (well it can't get any wetter, can it) and colder in February.

If certain peops can only camp with leccy, then so be it, but I'm not bothered. It sounds like the scout place is going to put off those who need leccy to survive :lol: