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Re: Pet insurance

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:49 pm
by helen&tony
I do know a bit about NHS costings...but that's another issue...suffice it to say that it'll take over a whole lot of internet time to even scratch the whys and wherefores of NHS finance , and I just REALLY don't want to see veterinary care go through the roof
Regarding poisoned animals...oh, boy, it's something that goes on illegally here...and we only got a whiff of it by accident, but our dogs are never off the lead, as they have a tendency to chase, one being a Lurcher, and the others GSDs, and they'll chase anything. I did have a "moment" in the UK when the Lurcher turned up with an obviously poisoned rabbit!...I don't believe in culling animals without knowing what you're doing...It's too harmful
Regarding prescription costs in the NHS...I take a whole stash of tablets, and I buy them over the counter for a few quid....If they were on NHS prescription, I'd be handing over a whole pile of fivers, because they are sold at nonsense prices...
Car insurance...well, I don't know about others, but I look at a company's policy on various payouts...I DO NOT look at price AT ALL, as I like to feel that should I injure someone by accident, they'll get a insurers will argue, and you might even end up with a bill...
My whole point in chatting on insurance for animals is that it's spiralling upwards for a lot of reasons , but insurers are pushing prices for the benefit of's the same principle that drives Banking...SHAREHOLDERS.....Supermarkets, car companies...shareholders profits....The UK , and other Northern / Western European countries are soaked by upward prices, and taxes
Anyway...I asked our vet practice here about insurance....they said don't waste your money...treatment is not pricey...which it isn't...and for those who can't afford it, they won't see an animal suffer...they would let them pay as they can...

Re: Pet insurance

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:25 pm
by David Edwards
I would say most definitely yes now days, the worst problem facing vets at the moment is the damn Belgians, they decided that all animal drugs..which are exactly the same as ours and in the same packages..must now be packaged and labelled separately, this of course includes all instrument such as syringes, scalpels even operating sponges etc, all this does is push up the prices all along the line. Not all vets are in to make mega bucks, I know we never did with our own surgery but some people forget it is a private business after all and no one would walk into a supermarket and take a trolley load of goods then not pay for them. Most vets do offer a payment system and this is helpful for a lot of people, of course it does get abused and a lot of money can be outstanding at any time, something a vet surgery has to cover.. Even though my missus is a vet we still have ours insured, it is the peace of mind at the end of it.

Re: Pet insurance

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:32 pm
by helen&tony
Hi David
Yes...that's something I can't fathom, and it's the same over here...The vet often advises us to go to the pharmacy to buy human tablets for our dogs when needed....The same scenario occurs here, too, spiraling costs for premises, and overheads, and whilst it's said that it's a poorer country here, the facts say that areas of Wales are far poorer than anything here....It's the same Scenario as Greece, the people aren't as poor as made out.....BUT, because they're as tight as a duck's fluffy, it APPEARS they have no cash, So...back to vet fees...over here, there's no respect for animals, and if they cost money, they're thrown on the street, so...vets have a hard time making a living....and still the fees are rock bottom....we had 2 trips to the vet with our puppy...last trip today...First consultation , the vet suspected lymph fluid causing a swelling, gave her a sedative injection, aspirated the swelling, injected antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, and repeat today...problem hopefully cured...cost a total of £ they make a living on that, I don't's all they can get!.....sad , but true!

Re: Pet insurance

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:24 pm
by al & chris
This years quote £1,133 last year £755 :shock: :shock: . Now that is unbelievable , M&S pet insurance can't recommend with those sort of increases. Looks like we have been priced out can't pay that much. Gutted as don't like not to have insurance and been with them for well over 10 year now.

Re: Pet insurance

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:34 pm
by KMH
I think pet insurance is the same as car and house insurance these days, in that loyalty counts for nothing and you need to shop around every year to get the best price and cover. Don't forget that you need to have some legal cover at the very least; dog owners are legally responsible for any accident or injury their dog causes (unlike cat owners, strangely!).